Flynn Wellness Check 

The Flynn Wellness Check is a 30-minute visit from one of our uniformed EMT's or Nurses in a marked fleet vehicle to track key vital signs. This can help support by alerting you, a family member and/or your key healthcare professionals to any changes that could show that something isn’t quite right.

This unique service can spot early signs of a decline in a person’s physical, mental and emotional well being. Getting help quickly could prevent further deterioration and the need to go to hospital.

The key vital signs that we track include:

How can you or your loved one benefit from this service?

How often does a Wellness Check take place?

They would usually take place once a week

What is the cost of this service?

$100/month ($25 per visit)

What areas do you cover?

Elmira / Horseheads Metropolitan Area

For more info 


Call/Text:  607.425.7860