Flynn Wellness Check
The Flynn Wellness Check is a 30-minute visit from one of our uniformed EMT's or Nurses in a marked fleet vehicle to track key vital signs. This can help support by alerting you, a family member and/or your key healthcare professionals to any changes that could show that something isn’t quite right.
This unique service can spot early signs of a decline in a person’s physical, mental and emotional well being. Getting help quickly could prevent further deterioration and the need to go to hospital.
The key vital signs that we track include:
Blood pressure and pulse
Breathing and oxygen saturation
General well being which is determined via a thorough assessment
How can you or your loved one benefit from this service?
Results are recorded digitally using Bluetooth enabled equipment
Results can instantly determine if any action needs to be taken
In certain circumstances, it could mean that a hospital admittance is avoided
We can quickly notify a family member or a health professional
How often does a Wellness Check take place?
They would usually take place once a week
What is the cost of this service?
$100/month ($25 per visit)
What areas do you cover?
Elmira / Horseheads Metropolitan Area